Monday, April 23, 2012

Effective Chair Preparation

The success of a meeting can depend on the efforts of the chairperson.  The chairperson is responsible for all the aspects of the meeting.  If the chairperson has dilingently preapared for the meeting then the outcome of the meeting should reflect the effort.

Bear in mind that a meeting is not a lecture or a presentation, it is a concerted procedure and each person should be considered as an integral part of the meeting.

Follow these guidelines:

  • Define Objectives
          Each member should know the purpose of the meeting.
  • Define the type of meeting
          Is it the format formal or informal?
          Brief or Long meeting?
          Is this an on-going meeting or a one-time meeting?
          Is the meeting internal or external?
          Informative or decision-making?
  • State the time and place
          Give any additional information to the venue if needed.
  • Provide information regarding the participants in the meeting
          Will there be executive members?  CEO?  Special Guests?
  • Prepare the agenda and send it to the participants in ample time
          Include subjects, topics, themes that will be discussed.
          Include any changes or other information that may be necessary for the participants to
          prepare for.
          Make sure to give concise information to allow all the participants a reasonable time to
          prepare for the  meeting and to also bring any materials necessary for the meeting.
  • Anticipate questions, problems and other things that be come up at the meeting
          The more you prepare, the smoother the meeting should be.

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